
TV right now

Last two episodes of Doctor Who made me feel like a kid again. They were pretty great. I had to watch them on YouTube though since SciFi channel won't even be starting the new season until later this Summer.

Burn Notice is pretty good. It has to actors I like a lot in it with Bruce Campbell and Jefferey Donovan. The show is about a spy who get cut off and sent out into the cold. Jefferey Donovan plays the spy, sort of if McGuyver had been a killer type. Funs tuff.



Signs I need to go back to work

I am drinking Jack Daniels on the rocks. Not Gentleman Jack or Jack Daniels Single Barrel. Just straight Jack. Tying to conserve since I am almost out of bourbon. I have enough Woodford for about two more glasses and at least a glass of Eagle Rare left. After that I am down to the scotch and Irish Whiskey.



Current addictions and obsessions

Fruit punch at the movies. Or fruit punch anywhere. Doesn't even matter where. Just give me some fruit punch dammit.

Meatball sandwhiches.

The Serenity movie. It has been playing on HBO and I keep watching it every time it comes on. It is really good. Some of the better sci fi in the last few years.

Animation. With Sean Patrick I realize I am becoming a bigger consumer of animated films, and I am becoming a little obsessed with animated films, how they are made, and the good ones from the bad ones.

That is all for now.


Books in 2007 again

Basket Case
Skinny Dip
The Quick Red Fox
Deadly Shade of Gold
Roving Mars
The Road
Carter Beats The Devil
The Trench



Serenity boat/love quote

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: It ain't all buttons and charts little albatross. Do you know what the first rule of flying is? Well I suppose you do since you already know what I am about to say.
River Tam: I do. But I'd like to hear you say it.
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Love. Can know all the math in the 'verse, you take a boat in the air and you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turn of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down. Tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her home.

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Books in 2007

Basket Case
Skinny Dip
The Quick Red Fox
Deadly Shade of Gold
Roving Mars
The Road
Carter Beats The Devil
