
Lonely Hellboy

Hellboy all alone on my desk. He has a friend coming to play tomorrow.

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Homeless man in Kenner, LA

Saw this homeless man walking through the intersection of Chateau and West Esplanade yesterday in Kenner, LA.

I have been seeing a lot more homeless in Metairie and Kenner. Ignoring the homeless will not make the problem go away.

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Pics of me

Me on St. Patrick's Day this year wearing a shirt I have wanted for 2 years from Storyville:

Me at work taking care of Set Dec's plants (and the reason I prefer to wear button downs and not have my picture taken):

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Rodarti: Aanteni

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PULPHOPE: The Art of Paul Pope

I just finished reading PULPHOPE: The Art of Paul Pope. I am not sure I should include art books in my Yearly Book List. I am a huge fan of Paul Pope. I love his art and love the fact he crosses over so many mediums and areas. Great look into his art and thinking process. Check out his Flickr stream as well.

I am a huge fan of art books, whether they are from films or artists. I find them to be hugely inspiring.

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Elijah Snow on Gotham City

Here we are children. Old as New York, founded on the east coast and originally designed by English Masons on opium ... exacerbated by absinthe-fiend local architects in the Twenties, basically not suitable for human habitation ... Gotham City.

- Elijah Snow
Planetary/Batman: Night on Earth

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Superman 50's Tv Series Intro

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Superman and the Mechanical Monsters

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Superman Classic

1978 Lincoln Continental

My work sometimes entails this:

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