
Variety on Louisiana Film Production

Story in today's Variety:

Louisiana upped its production tax credit to 30% from 25% in July, buttressing its already commanding position as the country's third-largest motion picture and television production center -- after Los Angeles and New York.


Also, a Louisiana Economic Development report issued early this year gave a big thumbs-up to the incentives program based on the positive impact it has had so far on the economy. According to the study, the state attracted 135 movie and television projects worth $2 billion between 2002 and 2008. In 2008 alone, 80 projects qualified for tax incentives.

The industry helped to create 6,230 full- and part-time jobs statewide, and employment in the sector has been growing at a sizzling compound annual rate of 22% from 2001 to 2007. In 2007, $429 million in direct production spending translated into $763 million poured into the state economy.

And another story on New Orleans:

"In terms of the goods, services and crew needed to service the film industry, New Orleans has completely recovered from any effects of Katrina," says Jennifer Day of the city's Office of Film and Video. 2008 was a record year, with 21 major productions in the city. At one point, as many as six features were shooting simultaneously.

2009 has also been busy, notes Day, despite the economic slowdown, with 15 major projects slated for New Orleans. Ten of those have wrapped, including "Jonah Hex" (see related article) and the HBO pilot "Treme."

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