Scott Pilgrim Vol 5 Cover

Labels: Comics, Scott Pilgrim
Labels: Western
The city of Gretna has an out-of-this-world attraction, but few know about it.
The Gretna Observatory is the largest public observatory in the greater New Orleans area. Located at No. 1 Copernicus Lane (formerly part of Huey P. Long Avenue) off of Gretna Boulevard, behind Gretna Middle School, the observatory is open to the general public with free admission and ample parking every Monday and Wednesday evenings from dusk until about 8 p.m., except for major holidays and weather permitting.
The observatory offers viewing through a pier-mounted, computer-controlled, 16-inch Meade telescope and is housed under a traditional 16-foot-diameter aluminum dome. The other night when I visited, we were shown views of the crescent moon, and Jupiter and four of its moons. The craters on the moon looked so large and clear that it was surprising. Several guests arrived during the evening and seemed delighted to learn so much from our informative operators.
The telescope's image of the astronomical objects is about 300 to 400 times their normal size. The image was very clear and was also visible on the wall monitor to anyone in the room.
John Cerniglia and Ron Marcella are the two observatory operators who work weekly at something they both really enjoy. Their enthusiasm is very evident as they relate information about the night skies, the seasonal changes to watch for at any given time of year and also about when, what and where you can see different celestial objects.
Cerniglia usually works on Monday nights, and Marcella is usually there on Wednesday. Both of the operators met me that night because they were both so excited about what they do there and wanted to share some of that knowledge.
"This is the only game in town," Marcella said. "Once the observatory in Kenner closed, we have the only public observatory in this whole area. We're very proud of our ability to show the public what's out there on any given night."
The idea about starting an observatory in Gretna was introduced by City Councilman Vincent Cox III. "It took about three years in the planning stage to get the idea off the ground," Cox said. "We received some grants and lots of donations. Even the contractors worked on it for free labor."
Cox said his favorite time of year for observing the sky is the winter. He enjoys the stars, planets and constellations that are visible with the telescope at that time of year. Cox is hoping that the observatory can draw the interest of schools in the area.
"Perhaps some of the schools may even be interested in starting some type of observatory club and have the students come out on a regular basis. We are also hoping the public will come out and have a look. They would probably be surprised at how good the viewing is and how clear the telescope can pick up images."
Marcella said, "We even have a special sun filter so that we can observe the sun spots or an eclipse of the sun. Either the winter or summer skies are the best for viewing. Now is really a great time of year to come out and take a look. Just remember to come on a clear night. If the sky is cloudy, then nothing will be visible."
Cerniglia said they would love for people to come out to the observatory and bring their own personal telescopes. "You know lots of time people buy telescopes either for themselves or for their children and have no idea how to use them. They can bring them here, we'll help them set it up, show them how to use it, and also where to look for certain objects according to the time of year it is.
"The Gretna Police Department patrols this area on a regular basis, and so it's really a safe and friendly place to come."
There are about eight pads outside the observatory used for extra telescope setups. Sometimes they have groups of people come out and have a "star party."
"The group will come out and set up several telescopes and bring coolers and just hang out together. We all talk about astronomy and just have fun," Cerniglia said. "I've been here since the observatory opened. I've been interested in astronomy since I was a young boy."
So, come out and bring your friends and family. It's a unique experience to view the night sky through such a powerful telescope. Visitors may call ahead at 504.227.7624 to check current sky status and inquire what objects are available for observing. If your school or group is interested in coming to the observatory at any time other than the regular Monday or Wednesday night, e-mail Mike Sandras at Sandras will be happy to work with you to schedule a viewing time that meets your needs.
It's a great privilege to have such a powerful observatory in our own backyard.
Labels: Books, Corruption
Labels: Me
So - for a “4th generation warfare” supervillain there aren’t even objects for the production designer to create and imbue with personality. The effects and the consequences can be illustrated by the storytelling, but the network and the intent can’t be foreshadowed by environments and objects in the impressionist way that Adam employed to support character and storytelling.
But - what about materialising, visualising these invisible networks in order to do so?
There are dinner jackets and dinner jackets; this is the latter. And I need you looking like a man who belongs at that table.
i only looked at this because wee Cal took a notion to dress up as the Ledger Joker for a party and I'm trying to tell the wife of my bosom that the purple tailed suit is not worn by this incarnation of the character. It's a four page preview of a one-off book by Azarello and Bermejo. It looks all very overdrawn and hideous; the wine is made from the same substance as the shrimps and there's a nauseous quality to it all which I suspect is not so much intentional as the artist's normal view of the world. Note that the Joker's coat folds right over left in the universal manner of women's coats instead of that of menswear, left over right. I apologise for picking on this artist, but I see the same problem all over the place. It can happen because the artist is looking in a mirror, but the overwhelming reason in the last twenty years is that comic book artists generally speaking, though there are a few fashion plates to give exception to the rule, are the worst dressed people in the world who mostly get around in t-shirts and draw people in leotards. Editors too, otherwise somebody would have picked up the mistake. The only other explanation is that it's intentional, in which case I'm full of baloney*. But if I arrived at the pub with a coat like that, somebody would have ridiculed me, probably Evans. Everybody else in the room has their coat open, and if I had done it intentionally I'd have made sure the reader knew it by showing all the others folding the opposite way.
The key to a con is not that you trust the conman, but that he shows he trusts you. Conmen ply their trade by appearing fragile or needing help, by seeming vulnerable.
Labels: Con Games
Our Holiday collection is a retrospective look back at the teams that have played a part in shaping the sport of soccer in the United States. The graphics consist of teams that date back to the early 1890’s all the way through the 1980’s. We feel that it is important to understand where we have come from before we can embrace where we are headed.
Its more than a lifestyle. Its a movement.
Labels: Soccer
Since 2003, over 100,000 gamers worldwide have banded together through Child’s Play, a community based charity grown and nurtured from the game culture and industry. Over two million dollars in donations of toys, games, books and cash for sick kids in children’s hospitals across North America and the world have been collected since our inception.
This year, we have continued expanding across the country and the globe. With over 45 partner hospitals and more arriving every month, you can be sure to find one from the map above that needs your help! You can choose to purchase requested items from their online retailer wish lists, or make a cash donation that helps out Child’s Play hospitals everywhere. Any items purchased through Amazon will be shipped directly to your hospital of choice, so please be sure to select their shipping address rather than your own.
When gamers give back, it makes a difference!
Labels: Child's Play
Labels: Music