
Time is Luck - Michael Mann Quotes

"Time is luck."
"Luck ran out. This was too good to last."

Isabella: Once I had a fortune, it said: "Leave now. Life is short. Time is luck".
Det. James 'Sonny' Crockett: You got assets somewhere? Insurance?
Isabella: Why?
Det. James 'Sonny' Crockett: Things go wrong. The odds catch up. Probability is like gravity: you cannot negotiate with gravity. One day... one day you should just cash out, you know? Just cash out and get out.
Isabella: Yeah?
Det. James 'Sonny' Crockett: Yeah. As far and as fast as you can.
Isabella: Would you find me?
Det. James 'Sonny' Crockett: Yes, I would.

- Miami Vice

You remember when we first met?
And were together alone in that
room. And the exhilaration was
too much to hold on to. And then
something flickered across your
face like a shadow and I asked you
what was wrong?

I remember.

Do you remember what you said?

Yes. I said this is too good to live...

Molly stares into his eyes.

Time is luck, Will.
(heat )
I know the value of our days...

- Manhunter



Blogger Seeking My Sanity said...

I just got "time is luck"in a text. I knew I had heard this quote before, somewhere. Thanks for posting this. It made a bigger impact when I googled the scenes.

5:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

what does it mean by time is luck?

4:00 PM  

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