
Film Editing

This video has been making the rounds, and was the inspiration for collecting various editing videos together:

No Film School posted on this video and said:

many of these moments exemplify the power and allure behind the art of cinema editing, while making us aware of some of the advanced aesthetic techniques that comprise editing grammar. They’re prime examples of techniques that all of us, or at least those of us with an interest in the psychological implications of editing, should learn and internalize for use in our own films.
Edwin Nieves at A Bittersweet Life also posted on this video and said:

The power of a film rests in its approach to storytelling. The way in which a film communicates its story to the audience and how it engages that audience with its arrangement of images and sounds is of the utmost importance to the filmmaker. Thus, editing or “the invisible art” becomes the foundation of a film’s narration. Being unique to the art of cinema, all the layers of the film meet in the edit to hopefully create a cinematic work that captures audiences.
A Bittersweet Life added some videos to go with it:

THE EDITOR from Inside The Edit on Vimeo.

The Cutting Edge - The Magic of the Cine from Hirton Fernandes on Vimeo.

Cinephilia & Beyond posted on this video and added some videos as well:

Cinephilia & Beyond also just had a post on Orson Welles on Editing:

For me, the strip of celluloid is put together like a musical score, and this execution is determined by the editing; just like a conductor interprets a piece of music in rubato, another will play it in a very dry and academic manner… The images themselves are not sufficient: they are very important, but are only images. The essential is the length of each image, what follows each image: it is the very eloquence of the cinema that is constructed in the editing room.

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