
Hellboy 2 Announced

Well good news today for those of us who dig Hellboy, the sequel was announced. Looks like Guillermo Del Toro has got Universal to greenlight the movie.

Here is the AintItCoolNews.com take on the news

Here is the CHUD.com take on the news.

Hellboy is probably one of my favorite movies in recent years. Nice combination of adventure, horror, and comedy. I hope Del Toro cranks it up a few notches for his second outing with Hellboy and brings some of the weight of his films The Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth (which is supposed to be one of the best movies of the year). The first Hellboy is a notch down from Indy, but I really think if Del Toro adds some of the gravitas and has the budget he could make something as good as Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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