
Eric Roth Interview from CHUD

Just one of the reasons I love CHUD.com is they do real interviews, and they interview more than just the stars or director. Here is an interview with Eric Roth the writer of The Good Shepherd. Here is what he had to say about Benjamin Button:

Benjamin Button is filming right now.

As we speak. Love Benjamin Button.

It’s coming out nicely?

It’s amazing. David Fincher was nice enough to let me look at dailies. I don’t look very often because I don’t like to lose my objectivity, but it’s amazing. I don’t think you’ve ever seen anything quite like it. I hope it works.

What makes it so different?

I think he’s shooting in a unique style. It feels like a painting in a way – not that it separates the audience, but in that you feel like you’re in another time and place while being in our time and place. It’s hard to explain, but I think it’s completely fitting to the nature of the piece – in other words, he ages backwards and it’s about mortality and aging and love and time. It’s a goofy story and I think I invented something kind of disarming in its own way in a good way. It’s not something you’ll normally see.



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