
Current Writing

I am currently still working on my Tempest screenplay. Looks like I will be done getting all the dialogue in this week and then can go back and add my pieces to Shakespeare's work. It is more and exercise and future wish than something to actually sell around.

I figure after I get done with The Tempest, I will jump back into Twenties since I lost most of what I had when the computer crashed after Katrina. I hope I can turn out something better than I had before. It is still adolescent college boy fantasy, but I like it and it is fun to write and play around with.

After that not sure what I will do. Ideas for several other projects bouncing around my head. I would love to do a Mystery like tele-film. Something in the lines of what the British put out only set in New Orleans. Already have the first three mapped out in my head, I just need to write them.

Also have my own version of a talky/action political drama working around in my brain.

Along with those there is the story of the 1963 Mississippi State Basketball team and the story of The Globe. Both require more research, but at least I have the research booked and planned out.

All that should keep me going for awhile, but I also have this idea for doing something with Musashi as well (already plotted out the books and films to use on that one).

And something else with Pirates.

There are times when I need to turn things off.


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